Background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..

Deload Week 4: Last deload and mecca day, Squats (Sunday May 10th)

Warm up
Front lunge x 5e
Backward lunge x 5e
Side lunge x 5e
Squat to stand x 5
BW squats x 5

Neural prep
Kneeling jumps
3 x 3


Contrast box squats (12 inch box )
9 x 2 + 1
1 set :
2 reps with 5 sec eccentric and explode up
1 rep heavier, just as fast as possible
(3 sets x 135:155, 3 sets x 135:165, 1 set x 135:175, 1 set x 135:180, 1 set x 135:185)

Seated deadlifts, ultra wide
3 x 5

Unsupported captain chair leg raises
2 x 10 x 10lb DB btw feet

-To get set I had to drop to the bottom of a tricep dip position, then grab the DB with my feet, then complete the dip rep until my arms were extended straight and my feet were holding the DB.  A total mess

Some comments make your day, and others don't

-some guy saw how much of a mess this was and then asked if I wanted help.  I probably gave him the "hell no" look but somehow managed to politely mumble a, "no thank you."  Of course he was persistent and my "hell no" look turned into a bit more of a pissy look.  And then he got it.

-On the bright-side though, Charles Glass had watched my training out of the corner of his eye (probably because we were the only people there at 5am) and came out and asked me if I was a powerlifter.  This about made my morning, day, and month since I think he is a training genius.

 Mother's Day

It was great to be at Cali for those few days and see my amazing mom. She is really the best mom a girl could ask for.  She is a super, smart, selfless, stylish badass.  And she squats in chucks and hasn't aged a day in the past 20 years (probably why I look 12).  Yup, a total badass.

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