Fri, 21 Oct 16

Block 7, Wave 3 - Assistance II

Today was one of those days.  Three days in a row of midterms means I'm all kinds of tight and have pain in my neck and back from not stretching enough, having more stress, and getting less sleep.  But I do have 2 days off until my next midterm on Monday and I warmed up well (or so I thought) and wasn't doing anything heavy or stupid or different.  But it happened anyway.  Freakin Murphy and his freakin law.

BB Split Jerks

complex x 45

complex x 95

complex x 135

1ea x 185

2ea x 205

1ea x 205 - And this is where I stopped.  Sometime during my first work set with 205 I managed to tweak my left shoulder, specifically one of my external rotators.  It was very minor, but enough that I first did not go up on weight on the second set as I had planned, then stopped the set short, and then stopped doing the exercise.  This put me in a foul mood.

Snatch Balance

5x45 - These felt ok.

3x95 - I think I was lying to myself at this point that I could keep going.

5x115 - Yup, all of them hurt so I stopped the exercise and shut it down for the day.  I was mucho POed as evidenced by the gigantic "F@CK YOU" I scrawled across the whole page of my training notebook.  This was not a major injury and there was no pop or specific moment when I knew something had gone wrong, just a growing feeling of pain in my shoulder that was getting worse the more I tried to push through it.  I called a halt for the day because it should heal up in a day or 2 if I am smart, but if not then I'll be dealing with it for a few weeks and that is no bueno since I have one definite and a second tentative (pending the state of my knee rehab) competition coming up in the next month.  So rest, ice, blah, blah, blah.  This was not a good end to what was a long and stressful week.