Wed, 21 Mar 18

Lower Deload

Head cold sickness is still hanging around, but getting better.  We got hit with another nor'easter today, but thankfully it started snowing earlier than expected so it was still warm enough to melt a lot of it, which means we only ended up with an inch or so of the white B.S. sticking around and no accumulations on the roads.  I really wanted to bust out the Metal gear today, but made myself wait since I am still deloading and just getting into briefs or my DL suit is usually its own max effort exercise when I first start back with it.  I took frequent breaks to try out and do other stuff while I was training today including adjusting the setup of my Spud Inc cables to make them easier to move/adjust, fixing a broken barbell thanks to words of wisdom from fellow 105kg pro strongman and pro beard grower, Aaron West.

Box Jumps

5xBW to 24"

2x5xBW to 30"

Snatch Grip DL




6x275 - Woof, forgot how much I hate these.  Leaning toward not including them in my programming (not because I hate them, but because I have a better idea).

BB Hip Thrusts





Axle Zercher Bulgarian Split Squats/Single Leg Calf Raises

2x{10ea x 70/30ea x BW}