*hip circle warm-up
Cambered Bar ( parallel box)
- Bar x 10 x 3
- 160 x 5 x 2
- 250 x 5
- 340 x 5 x 3
Lying Leg Curls
- 120 x 10 x 4
- 70 x 10 x 4
My SI joint was feeling well enough to squat today, but after reaching 3 plates I conferred with Meana and Seth and thought it best to stay there and not tempt fate since my hamstrings and lower back weren't handling the weight well today. I thought I was better over the last few days, but the needling feeling came back for some reason and it began to hurt to activate the muscles. My belief is that it because I don't drink enough water and my electrolytes are out of whack and I'm slightly dehydrated. Unfortunately drinking a lot of sweet tea, coke and mountain dew doesn't do the job. I need to do better.