495 3x8
415 1x20

good work capacity stuff

Inverse Curl

Pull Down Abs
150 4x20

Pull Ups
various grip work


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Did 495x8 for 3 sets then 415x20 here. Followed by the inverse curl, pull down abs and more pull ups. Couldn't be around people as my eye was very uncomfortable, but decided to get the work in with my dad and @janisfinkelman . Demanding change by your body is sometimes the only option, look at my deadlift as an example. High frequency and high intensity (things you DON'T do) has me responding well and recovering enough to put numbers there, all the while prioritizing readiness and conditioning. Janis having dealt with quad development and strength may have to do some shit you do not do (giant sets, death sets, drop sets, past failure training, etc) to illicit change. You cannot be afraid to go where others are either unwilling or incapable of going, if you want to try to do things that others cannot do. . . . #WreckLoose @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @underthebar @team_sibya @baconandbarbells.co @leviathannutrition #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching

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