I love them. Kind of. At least seem to like them way more now than I ever have, which is possibly because I wasn't able to do them for so long. Either way, they are back and I'm having so much fun...minus the part where 170 feels like 400lbs on my back, but hey. I still have to be smart, because there are definitely times where I can feel instability and weakness/pain seeping through, and I address accordingly. Usually by stopping immediately and doing some ab work to correct/compensate for my anterior pelvic tilt, which could very well be the culprit to all of my problems...along with a wicked tight piriformis. ANYWAY.
Squats 155x5x3
Back Extension 5x10 w/ 3 sec holds at the top
Leg Press 4x20
Leg Extension 4x15
Close stance squats 4x10