I've been feeling good and basing my training on how I feel on training days. As the years have gone by I've gotten better at being able judge when to push and when to pull back. I realize that last year I tore my tricep tendon and admit I should have pulled back but my focus was more on getting stronger for a meet. Hopefully that experience allows me to be a better judge of myself going forward. AND hopefully someone reading this might pay more attention to their nagging pains and alter their training before injury. There is a big difference between pulling back a little because your body is telling you too and being a p%ssy. Learning the difference between training pain and pain that indicates an increased risk of injury can be difficult but pulling back for a couple weeks is almost always better than an injury that takes months and months to recover from.


I had an obligation at work today so I wasn't able to train like normal. I went in later in the afternoon and trained solo. Here is what I did.

SS Yoke bar box squats - Low box 13", raw

worked up doing triples to 405 for 4 sets of 2 reps


rack pulls from pin 3

worked up doing 1 rep sumo and 1 conventional per set to 675.


reverse hyper

180 for 4 sets of 15 reps


hanging leg raises

3 sets of 15 reps