Thurs, 19 Apr 18
Heavy Lower
Despite studying for 8+ hours prior to training today, both reviewing my notes and practicing skills for my upcoming comprehensive neuro practical on Tuesday (i.e. exam on the last 4 semesters/year and a half of neuro classes), training felt great today (initially) and I was hitting all my cues I use to not screw up when I squat.
Around 425 I felt like I was good for going up to 5 bills today despite the other crap going on in my life with finishing up classes and getting ready to go away for my last two clinicals, but then 465 got shwifty on me and I felt like I was getting into some pretty shoddy positions. I checked the video and it turned out I was dead on. I came down just fine, but when I started to drive up out of the hole my right hip twisted forward, followed by my trunk, shoulders, and then the bar. This made me stall out pretty badly and I had to correct some knee valgus and I felt some parts of me straining that should not be doing that when I squat, so I called it there. I'll be back.
Stone Squats
I used a sandbag for this, but I didn't like it because it was too easy. I'll keep these in the rotation though and switch it up to an actual atlas stone once I get moved down to Norfolk and start training at Brute again in a couple weeks.
Bowling Lunges/Back Extensions
10eax10 (in hand)/15x50
The lunges were a lot easier today and I think I need to add a weight vest.
This was all I had energy for today and just mucking through this little bit took me well over 2 hours so that was all for today. I most likely won't be training again until next week which is going to be a deload week due to the start of 2 weeks of some big time final exams.