12 Jan 18

Heavy Lower

Despite a long ass week of classes that just seemed to drag on whenever I wasn't actually up and moving around, training is still going well and not tanking as it sometimes does when the doodoo hits the fan.  However, since I have a solid week and a half straight of tests and exams coming up to finish this short Winter semester, I am going to adjust my training and take an unscheduled/early deload in order to maximize my progress on all fronts.

SS Yoke Bar Box Squats







3x395 (video)


Everything felt great today minus the rib head that got tweaked out of position on the front for no good reason.  Fun fact: subluxed ribs hurt a hell of a lot worse on the front than they do on the back.  I wanted to go up, but not jack myself up so bad I couldn't breathe without shooting pains so I compromised by not going up any more today, but doing all my down sets as long as the pain didn't get any worse, which thankfully it didn't.

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SS Yoke Bar Good Mornings/Leg Up Crunches

3x{15x185/15ea x BW}

Not a bad day of training after 7 hours of learning how to make hand and wrist splints and actually making 3 different types.  No events this weekend due to studying/deload.  It's only taken me 2 and a half years, but I have finally learned that it's better not to train than to go out half cocked and try to train balls to the wall in the midst of finals.  All that accomplishes is some crappy training and making me feel like a turd, with an increased chance of doing something stupid on top of it.