Sat, 21 Nov 15

I'm still just training for fun at the moment without clearly defined goals or a plan.  I did not fee like doing any pressing of any type today so I didn't.  I did want to do farmer's since I haven't done it in several weeks due to specific changes I made in preparation for MD Strongest.  After that, Gregg wanted to do yoke so I said what the hell.  I do not usually train both of these together unless it is in a medley, just because there is usually more time involved with setup and cleanup of those two events than anything else.  Everything went well though and I ended up working up to a pretty solid farmer's walk, though at a middling distance I haven't done much lately so it's harder for me to judge it as good or not.

Farmer's Walk






80'x330 - This is just under the heaviest I have done for 60' in the last few months at least and well over what I have been doing for 100', though those distances were with a turn which is a completely different sort of colonoscopy.






80'x650 - I was setting multiple land speed records on the light sets, but all of a sudden I felt like dookie on this set so I stopped for the day.


10x60' x prowler+50 - 2 man rotation with Mark, as Gregg ran for the hills when I mentioned the word conditioning.  Nice and easy and made me realize how much I have missed prowling.