Sat, 24 Mar 18
Events @ the Unit
After a restful and productive deload week, my head cold was mostly gone and I felt ready to roll into my next block of training, but I woke up with a headache for no apparent reason. It wasn't bad so I proceeded as planned with training, but it varied between a dull and pounding ache for the whole morning and part of the afternoon. I don't think it really affected my training, but it did serve to put me in a salty mood.
Yoke Walk
2x60' x 250
2x60' x 450
60' x 540
60' x 650 - I was getting light headed on this run, which pissed me off more.
60' x 700 - Light headedness gone.
2x60' x 740 - My right knee was feeling weird on the first run so I repeated instead of continuing to work up on weight. It still felt weird on the second run so I stopped there for the day. On the bright side, the second one was the fastest of my last 3 runs, but on the down side it was still not as fast as I would have liked.
Seated Arm Over Arm Prowler Drag
2x100' x prowler + 340
Both of these felt pretty rough. It's a lot harder to manage your own rope with 100' vs. 50' and my hundred footer is 2" vs. the 1.5" of my fifty footer. This caused both drags to be well over a minute and I got some major hand cramps in my thumb meat after the first go round. There were also various sled pushes and sandbag carries during setup, resetting, and cleanup here.
Atlas Stones (to 54" platform)
My plan was to tack up for stones today and go heavier, but my right knee was still bothering me during the loading phase so I stuck with lighter stones and worked on one motions instead. I'm pretty sure the whole knee hurting thing was related to some changes I made in my warmup that ended up having unexpected consequences because it felt relatively minor, but was enough to limit what I did today in order to avoid making it more serious since it did get worse with heavier weights.