Everyone everywhere has been sick the last couple weeks. I have managed to stay away from the brutal vomiting/diarrhea part, but I still haven't been feeling awesome.

Jack came to help me with hand offs and wasn't training cause he was also sick as hell.

I wanted to try my prototype shirt I got from the man Jo Jordan, but I need to do some work before I will get into them lol. Here is how the day played out.

*All warm ups with Shoulder saver
Bar x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
405 x 2 Took off the shoulder saver and put on the prototype Pro Original I got from Ken Whetham.
455 x 1 Felt sketchy. I thought it was because it wasn't a lot of weight for the shirt
495 x 1 same as the last
545 x 1 board and pushed it back up. I was done. Nothing felt good or right and I was only going to get hurt.
I was also sweating more that I have in months. Which was a bit of a concern as I wasn't doing that much.

I called it there. Drove Jack home so he wouldn't pass out on the 3 minute walk he has home.