Returning slowly but surely, and things are feeling pretty solid! Yay for healthy backs.

Given how awful my sleeping schedule has been I am pretty happy that I can still rep the upper mid-200s off a box with relative ease. My body likes me lately. Wrist is still a mess but I can live with it. Learning to let the weight sink into my back more has helped tremendously, as I can carry the bar quite low with no effect on my wrists which makes squatting MUCH easier as I work through this injury.

Glutes were firing with EVERYTHING today which is something I haven't felt in awhile! Quite pleased.

Box Squats (parallel):

bar x bunch (+ 10 GM's with the bar)






265x3 (x2)


Leg Press:

3pps x 8

4pps x 8

5pps x 5

6pps x 5

7pps x 10 (x3)


Walking Lunges (BB):

60 lbs x 16 steps (x3)


Leg Extensions (SS w/Lying Leg Curls):

some weight x reps (x3)

^^^ Just working on getting a pump here


Regular chin-ups:


2x top emd static holds (not sure how long there were for)