Thurs, 20 June 19
Block 1, Week 2, Day 2 - DE DL/SQ
Speed Deficit DL (1.5")
Speed Deficit DL/Band Assisted Home GHRs
2x275/10xBW minus mini band
2x{2x315/10xBW minus mini band}
Speed SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
10x2x205 - R quad tendon feeling suspiciously like tendonitis, which pissed me off
2x2x295 - I was slow and crooked and awful because I was trying to compensate for the tendonitis pain, which just made me madd(er) at myself for being a stubborn asshole.
So it looks like I'm getting some tendonitis in my right knee. I'm going to limit my squat weight and volume somewhat as I gradually reload to get the tendon back up to snuff. There is no point in doing stuff that makes my knee hurt more and goes against everything I know and tell people when I don't have to do it for an upcoming competition right now. I've got plenty of time and knowledge to fix this quickly and correctly as long as I don't go and make it a lot worse before taking my own advice.
75 reps x light band - Too easy
BFR Forward Heel Taps
2x10ea x BW - Off edge of platform, which I did not like at all so it's time to buy a slant board for the garage gym.
BFR Bridges
75 reps x BW - Only reason I'm not progressing these is that they are still crushing my adductors.
BFR SS Yoke Bar Calf Raises
75 reps x 155