Travis Rinnert competed in his first full power raw powerlifting meet back on 11/05/16 in Gatlinburg, Tenn at The SPF Record Breakers Powerlifting Championships. Travis had a great meet hitting PR's on all his lifts, going 9 for 9 on attempts, winning 1st place in full power raw, winning 1st place in push/pull raw as well. Super excited to see my brother competeing again in March to put up even better numbers in his 2nd full power raw meet. Here is what Travis accomplished:

Travis Rinnert - 43 Years Old - 259 Weight Class:

1st Full Power Powerlifting Meet
9 for 9 on attmepts
3 for 3 on squat - hitting 386 pounds
3 for 3 on bench - hitting - 325 pounds
3 for 3 on deadlift - hitting - 485 pounds
1st Place Mens Full Power Raw 259 Weight Class/Masters Div
1st Place Mens Push/Pull Raw 259 Weight Class/Masters Div
- Set New NC SPF Record for Bench-press in Raw Push/Pull - 259 Weight Class Masters Division
- Set New NC SPF Record for Deadlift in Raw Push/Pull - 259 Weight Class Masters Division
- Set New NC SPF Record for Total in Raw Push/Pull - 259 Weight Class Masters Division

