Today I decided to test a few things to help plan my training for the next cycle. I need to know where my strength level is on the squat and also how the Metal Canvas squat suit works for me. I'm testing the suit to see if I would get more out of it than I do the Metal Ace squatter which is a poly suit. I wore the canvas suit once before without briefs under and like it. Today I'll be testing it with the Metal Ace briefs under it.

Free squats

worked up to 405 for a single - Raw

put on Metal Ace briefs

worked up to 600 for a single

put on Metal Canvas squatter - straps down

worked up to 850 for a single

the 850 went good so I decided to take 900

The first attempt at 900 was a shit show. My unrack was awful and I rushed the squat. I ended up calling for the spotters to help on the way up because I got forward.

I spoke with Dave about what happened and decided to attempt it again. I needed to clean up the unrack, get tighter and not rush the start. The second attempt was much cleaner and while it was pretty high I squatted it without breaking down.



pulled 405 for a couple singles


I got the information I needed today so the session was successful. My squat max is right around 900 and I'm going to use the canvas suit for at least a training cycle to see if it'll help me to get a higher total.