Fri, 5 Jan 18

Extra/Assistance Work

I have to push event training back to Sunday this week because I'm out of town all day Saturday, assuming the roads are passable.  Because of this, I figured I would get in an extra training day today, hitting some upper body assistance work.  Snow shoveling again kind of killed my desire to do very much though, and I had to do it pre and post training (again).  Hopefully that will be the last I have to shovel for this particular winter storm.

Also, I'm sore as hell from Thursday's training, especially my abs.  Thanks again, Nate Harvey!

Double Arm DB Rows with Band (short mini)




This is another elitefts daily movement special from Nate.  I've used the band around the wrists before on pulldowns and overhead pressing, but not for rows.  I don't think I would ever use this as a primary back exercise right now, especially since my DBs only go up to 90, but I really liked the shoulder activation and stabilization aspect of it and I think it would be a good for both warmup and accessory work.

Lateral Raises/Band Neck Rotation

3x{15x20/15ea x mini}

I tried out an exercise to add resistance to neck rotation that I got from the Rugby Strength Coach, Keir Wenham-Flatt.  You choke a band around a rack at head height, wrap a towel around the end and clench it in your teeth while performing neck rotation.  This works really well to train/activate neck rotators that is very hard to do except with manual resistance.

That was all for today.  After this I went and finished shoveling and busted the ice off the drain pipe for the furnace and generally made sure nothing was going to crap out in my house due to temps that won't crack the 20s until Monday.