If anyone likes to pick on me on social media, it's Clint Darden.
So naturally I have taken it upon myself to keep him on his rigid toes by supplying him with monthly mobility and flexibility challenges.
Mind you, I'm borderline sadistic, albeit with a hint of altruism and a little empathy. I'd be quite pleased to see his progress not only as a direct benefit to him and potentially extending his training life by a good 5-10 years, but also because it is downright evil fun to watch people attempt things with relative agony.
(This is all out of love, of course.)
That being said, I have dispatched the first month's challenge, and was fairly kind with my pickings. I am both excited and amused. I am eager to watch Clint's progress through these stages.
There are a couple of rules to this beneficial monthly challenge:
1) Should Clint fail a movement, it must be documented for my amusement.
2) Should Clint (heaven forbid) break, tear, fracture, strain, or pull anything in the process, I will not be held personally liable.
3) Should Clint successfully complete a challenge, I will personally knit him a radiant cardigan sweater vest.
4) Should Clint fail a challenge, he must knit me a sweater vest.
5) Movements done with slightly less range than I have portrayed are fine, so long as the form is correct and the execution smooth.
6) All technical issues throughout the process and all improvements must be verbally documented for constructive feedback and adjustment.
7) Briefs, wrist wraps, belts, Oly shoes, and other such voodoo equipment is strictly prohibited.
8) Clint may move at his own pace.
9) Canes are permitted for upward and downward movements outside of the regular drill.
10) Clint may not permit someone else more nimble to disguise themelves in his image for an unfair advantage.
Clint...you got this. I believe in you. 😉 <3
To follow along with his progress, hit follow on my instagram page as well as his. YouTube videos are also in the works soon:
Me: omnomnomnomcookies
Clint: clintdarden
Let the games begin!