625 2x4
665 1x4

Block Pull
675 x2
725 x2
765 2x2

Pin Press
425 3x4

Floor Press
315 2x6

And that's it! It was just big movements that took forever to warmup for and set up. Marathon sessions in the last two months of prep are customary so we just continue on and figure it out.

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"Do your fucking set, and don't fucking slack off". You motherfuckers realize once you get complacent, and once you're actually satisfied, that's when the knife of progress glides real smooth across your throat?? I was fucking pissed in the gym today and i'm still mad. You expect an A+ performance from a C- effort, and are SHOCKED when there are people better than you! Surprise surprise because they are willing to be a little more uncomfortable than you, willing to go a little bit longer than you, and willing to learn a little bit more than you. It's NOT us vs. the world, it's you vs. you and if you're not careful, you're unwillingness to leave your comfort zone will get you "killed" real fucking quick! @lnash86 @janisfinkelman . . . @garrettfear @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @brandon_senn @team_sibya @leviathannutrition #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching

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