Headed to the commercial gym to train with Molly today. I’ve been enjoying my training and while not super intense have worked on some things that I believe will help prevent injuries going into my next meet cycle. Working on imbalances and technique and trying to pay attention to my body. One thing I have changed is how I have been warming up. I’ve really reduced the number of reps and have made larger jumps in weight as I warm up. I will do more reps with 135 than I used to but after getting some blood moving basically just make plate increases till I’m at whatever work weight I’ll be using for the session. My theory is that the reps using unnecessary weight jumps only fatigues the muscles, specifically the supporting muscles, and increases the risk of injury as poundage’s near maxes. It’s working so far. Training went like this…



Stationary bike, rolling, band pull aparts, reverse grip dumbbell press


Slight incline dumbbell press

Worked up to 70’s for 2 sets of 20 reps


Seated dumbbell military press

35’s for 10 reps

50’s for 3 sets of 10 reps


Rear delt cable pull aparts

4 sets of 15 reps


Reverse grip tricep extensions

100 for 4 sets of 20


Low pulley rows

100 for 4 sets of 20 reps


This was a good session but I seem to be using my front delts a lot when pressing. I’m going to have to figure that one out.