Indian club swings, reverse grip dumbbell press, band stretching
worked up to 225 for 3 reps
added 1 chain per side for 3 reps
315 plus 2 chains per side for 3 reps
315 plus 3 chains per side for 3 reps
315 plus 4 chains per side for 2 reps
315 plus 5 chains per side for a single
bent over barbell rows
135 for 10 reps
185 for 5 sets of 10 reps
standing military press - used Angle bar
95 for 4 sets of 10 reps
When I arrived at the gym today my left hip glute was tight. At first I wasn't sure I'd be able to tuck my feet under the bench but after getting warmed up I was able to tuck like normal.