I was woke up during the night Sunday into Monday with my glute/hip in a lot of pain. This pain radiated into my sciatic and down into my calf. I have been unable to get it to subside so I came to the gym today to see if I could get some relief.
Inversion table
3 rounds of 60 seconds inverted and 180 seconds standing
Pit Shark squats
1 plate per side for 2 sets of 20 slow reps
*to traction the hips
hanging leg raises
2 sets of 10 reps
Nothing really changed with my discomfort level by doing any of the things I did today. The pain is worst when I change positions (from sitting to standing) or when laying down. This does not feel the same as when I herniated a disk in 2011 but the sciatic pain is similar. I'm getting frustrated and will be going in for an Active Release Therapy session tomorrow.