I was actually able to get into the gym on a week night, which is a rarity.  I moved my clients around, so that I could go to a dinner at a fancy restaurant here in Pittsburgh - Monterey Bay.  It was basically to listen to a pharmaceutical rep talk about a new medication for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder and my psychiatrist friend invited me.  My table was rowdy, which made the speech more tolerable, and the food was amazing, so really it was a win!

Anyway,  I went to the gym before hand - not my best idea to get all sweaty before dinner, but hey, it worked out perfectly.

I don't really have a plan when I go into the gym, and that's okay.  I do have, however, a basic routine I've been following and plan to build off of in the coming weeks, so that's fun.

Bench 135 x 5 x 5
Squat - I worked up to 145 x 1
Sumo Deadlift - 65 x 3 x 3

This is very basic, but I just wanted to get the basics in tonight, and that I did.  Success!