March 1st

FreeMotion chest press 3x10. Plate 6

FreeMotion Row 3x10. Plate 6

FreeMotion Shoulder 3x10. Plate 6

White curl machine. 3x12 1 plate

Want to walk later. Struggling to get this light lift in this morn. Felt warm like a temp but was 97.0 this morn.  Feel crappy 

March 2nd

Leg extension 3x8.  Plate 7

Leg curls. 3x8.  Plate 7

Adduction/abduction 3x8. Plate 7

Still feel like shit.  Stomach issues.  Didn’t walk again today.  Couldn’t do it.  No cold brew in 3 days so energy levels are low.

March 4th

FreeMotion Chest.  3x10.  7plate

FreeMotion Row.  3x10.  7plate

FreeMotion shoulder. 3x10.  7plate

White curl machine. 3x14. 1plate

Cold brew. Feel better today.

MarCh 5th

Treadmill 2.5 walk for 6min.  Felt ok exp for not walking for a few days due to stomach issues.

Belt Box squat. W/one 45lb plate. 3x5.

Leg Curls 3x8.  Plate 7

Calf raise Machine. 25lb 3x10

Drank cold brew.  Felt great.  Legs are jello.

March 6th

Jacobs ladder for 6min. TOUGH!!!! Stretch.

For the groups and clients we hit 4x5 @85%-88%. For the acessory work we hit 10’s and some good conditioning. Next week we drop to 4 reps for the main lifts.