Currently: 9 Weeks into Post-Meet Training

Below is a summary of my training from Week 8 in this post-meet training cycle. Things are continuing to go well, I'm at my lowest BW in powerlifting I've been at (207lbs), and am still getting stronger. I'm going to start adding in carbs now to sit right about 209lbs.

Videos are all uploaded on my Instagram page HERE.

Day 1: Squat/Bench/Deadlift Day (Saturday):

Top % Sets of Deadlift: 8x1 w. 435lbs

Supplemental Movement #1: Squats - 8x3 w/ 345lbs

Supplemental Movement #2: Bench Press - 5x3 w/ 255lbs

Assistance Work: Reverse Hypers, Tricep Pushdowns, Bicep Curls.

Day 2: Secondary Bench Movement Day (Monday):

Floor Press: 6x3 w. 255lbs

Supplemental Movement: None.

Assistance Work: Hammer Strength Machine Rows, Seated Hammer Strength Shoulder Laterals, Tricep Cable Pushdowns, Bicep Curls.

Day 3: Squat-Focus Day (Tuesday):

Top % Set: 430x5

Supplemental Movement: Hamstring Curls - 4x10

Assistance Work: GHRs, Hanging Leg Raises.

Day 4: Primary Bench Day (Thursday):

Top % Set: 285x3

Supplemental Movement: None

Assistance Work: Seated Hammer Strength Machine Rows (different grip), Rear Delt Flyes, Cable Tricep Extensions, Dumbbell Curls.


For Questions or Information Regarding the Peak Mental Performance Podcast, Coaching, or Programming, check out or contact me at

-- Competitively - My last competition was the  USAPL Spring Classic in Columbus, OH April 1st; where I qualified for USAPL Raw Nationals. I am currently deciding on my next raw meet this year, and will likely also compete equipped again sometime early next year.

I'm currently the Fitness & Wellness Director at Ohio University as well as Event Coordinator for EliteFTS. I'm also involved in coaching and public speaking on topics relating to powerlifting, coaching, education, student development, and mental health.