Today is the first day that I get try my new training schedule. I woke up at 4 am. After getting all my stuff together and after taking the dog out for a pee. I got out of the house around 4:45 am. I can do this a lot smoother if I do more prep the night before to make sure I have my clothes set out and my lunch packed ready to go.

Always ways to improve.

I also didn't know what I was going to do with I got to the gym. I decided on the way there that I would steal one of the training days from upcoming Squat everyday plan. Camber bar squats, camber bar press, GHR and Chin ups.

Cambered bar squats:

bar x 10
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 1 added knee wraps. My knees have been extra awful since roofing on Saturday.
405 x 1
455 x 1
495 x 1

I called it there. Felt good squatting with no belt on the Cambered bar is always fun haha.

Cambered bar shoulder press:

The bar is actually 65 lbs. I didn't count it in the squatting because I don't think I need too. I need to in the upper stuff cause I'm weak sauce.

105 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1

That was way higher that I thought I was going to get. Pressing overhead with the cambered bar is super hard and wobbly. Should be good for the growth of massive shoulders.

Chin ups SSW/ GHR

5 chins --> 10 GHR --> 5 Chins --> 10 GHR --> 5 chins.

I was pumped that I could get 15 reps of chins in only 3 sets. I understand I suck at them. That's why I'm doing them every day.

Great session overall and great way to start the day. I was showered and at work for 6:30 am. Nothing wrong with that!