Sat, 12 May 18

Events @ The Unit

I headed back to Salisbury this weekend cause I realized I needed a bunch of stuff I didn't bring down to Norfolk with me initially, and my girlfriend and I had plans with her family on Saturday and Sunday.  The irony is that now I'm back to training at Brute Strength Gym and I didn't even get to do events there my first weekend.  Still a good training day with a focus on pressing endurance and medley work.

Circus DB

band warmups

2x10x115 - 1st set all right arm, 2nd set all left arm

2x10x125 - Same as above, video of lefty for this set

Pretty happy with my pressing endurance, especially with the left arm.

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Stone Shouldering/Backward Drag Medley

60' x prowler + 200

60' x prowler + 400 - This was a wee bit slower than 200 lbs less.

6x200/60' x prowler + 400 - Doing stone shouldering before the frag made it much worse.

6x240/60' x prowler + 400 - And increasing the stone weight and adding a 60' run (more like the poopy pants shuffle) down to the prowler to start damn near caused me to fail.  Video of this set.

The only reason I finished the drag without stopping when I crapped out after the first 5' or so was because I made a mental deal with myself that if I finished the rest without stopping then I'd be done for the day.  So I did and I was.  If I lie to myself then I won't trust myself for future such deals and the tactic won't work anymore.