After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, and coming off a terrible showing at the XPC Bench Bash, I'm now I can do what's best for my body. I've recently opened up a new training facility, THIRST, so I'm trying to balance life and training the best I can, with hopes that I can compete in some capacity by the end of 2018.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
While it wasn't the best back day of training, at least I got something in with the minimal time that I had. I'm trying to really put some good emphasis on contractions on these hypertrophy based movements since time is short nearly 75% of the time. It's helped me realize that I need to quick thinking so much about how much I'm doing, but just get what I can done, and do the best to make what I can get done, effective as possible. The good news is, work is starting to let up, just a little bit, so if that trend can continue, I might be able to make training a tad bit better.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Lateral Raises
DB Overhead Press
Rear Delt Raises
DB Bench Press
DB Flys
DB Skull Crushers
DB Rows
DB Curls
15 each
A1) T-Bar Rows
B1) Wtd Wide Grip Pull Ups (+20)
C1)Supinated Seated Cable Rows
D1) Lat Pulldowns
Thanks! I really appreciate your logs.
I'm usually really tight on time for warm ups and such these days, so these are just one giant round of work. The weights are super light, but it's enough to get me warmed up and sweating before I get under the bar. Usually when I'm working with athletes or clients, I'll try to do some of their mobility and warm up stuff with them, which is how I get my own "extra" work in throughout various days. Thanks for the question!