Thurs, 15 Mar 18
Upper Assistance @ ISCF
I haven't gotten an econo core blaster for the garage gym yet so I headed to Iron Strong to train since they have a landmine there. Everything was lovely until I tabata'ed.
Meadows Rows
10ea x 50
4ea x 75
10ea x 100
2x15ea x 80
Single Arm DB OH Triceps Ext/KB Hammer Curls
3x{20ea x 25/15ea x 25}
Lateral Raises/Head Supported Reverse Flys
Airbike Tabata
I started out 100 Watts higher today on the first interval, at 700+, and this ended up brutalizing me as I dropped off fast to 600, then 500 for 2 rounds, and the rest at 400+. I have been able to stay about half at 600+ and half at 500+ prior to this. I am going to attribute the drop off to doing this after direct arm and shoulder training. I feel much better on an airbike when my legs are toast and my arms are fresh vs. the opposite.