Fri, 20 Nov 15
Today was another Friday featuring two anatomy exams. I am all finished up with my programmed training for the moment, but I really wanted/needed to train after all the studying and testing so I kept with the split I have been using lately and did some jumps and lighter (in this case super light) assistance work for upper body. It definitely helped me feel much better and more ready to train events tomorrow. I'm going to take one more week of trying out some different options in terms of exercise order and selection before starting up with my next block of programming. There are some things I haven't done in a while that I want to add in to my training (like GHRs), so I'm going to play around a little next week with some different combinations and then get rolling on my next programmed block.
Wtd Kneeling Jumps
3x30 (DB)
3x40 (vest)
3x40+30 (vest+DB)
Blast Strap Push Ups/Banded Hypers
20xBW/15x doubled mini - This was exponentially more tension than the micro.
20xBW/15x doubled micro - And now this was too easy.
20xBW/10x doubled mini - Better.
Close Grip Cable Rows/Skull Crushers
Blast Strap Fallouts/Close Grip Curls
12xBW/15x55 - The last set of fallouts I was too fatigued to maintain a neutral spine and it was putting me in a compromising position in terms of not doing something stupid so I stopped. And the curls, while yawningly light, were very good because I was able to do all 3 sets with almost zero pain in my left distal bicep and right flexor tendon. I made two small modifications after the first few reps of the first set (more scapular retraction and maintaining a vertical arm by eliminating any shoulder flexion) and after that everything felt lovely. This is great news because I have not really been able to do any sort of curls at any weight without at least minimal discomfort in a while.