*super series warm-up
- Bar x 20 x 2 - Rev Grip
- 95 x 10
- 135 x 5
- 225 x 3
- 275 x 2
- 315 x 1
- 365 x 1
- 405 x 1 - Catapult (reg grip)
- 455 x 1 - Catapult
V-bar Press down
- 60 x 10 x 2
Cable Row
- 150 x 20 x 3
The pain level in both shoulders and the left elbow reached a point that I had to stop today. I'm not sure what brought it on, but I can assume it was my attempt to floor press last week. I almost didn't come in today due to scheduling issues, but found a couple of hours to do so, It probably would have been better if i just stayed home, but I rarely follow my own advice.
I also ended up spending $3900 today to have my transmission fixed on my Flex. It had dropped out of gear 2-3 times in the last year so I figured it was time to get it looked at. If the car was paid off I'd have been getting a different car. My Flex has been through the ringer the last few months. It was hit in the parking lot at CTX and had the bumper ripped off, while at the repair shop the detail guy drove it into a wall which also had to be repaired, it was then keyed by a woman that was angry I bumped her car with my car door and now the transmission. She's been through a lot.