Hammer High Row
- 35 x 15
- 80 x 10
- 125 x 10
- 150 x 8 x 2
Pistol Grip Pulldown
- 200 x 10 x 4
Beached Whale Row
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 10 x 3
Chain Press vs, Bands
- 2 Doubled minis x 15 x 2
- 4 doubled minis x 5 x 2
- 4 minis + doubled lights x 5 x 3 - 5 to 10 second holds on last rep
Spider Curls
- 50 x 10 x 3
I had to find something that would allow me to work my lockout and pin presses were out of the question because of the havoc it wreaks on my elbow and shoulders. After seeing Marshall pressing against bands I thought I'd see how that felt, but do it off chains instead so I can move the bar to a better/convenient position for my crusty joints. It seems to have worked well enough, but was only a 2-3" press. Next week we"ll try to increase the rom and see what happens.