*super series warm-up
Seated Machine press - one arm
- 35 x 20 x 8 - per arm
Cable Cross Over
- 40 x 15 x 4
DB Lateral
- 30 x 20 x 4
Plate Front Raise
- 45 x 10 x 3
DB Hammer Curl - Rack Run
- 30 x 15, 20 x 15, 10 x 15 - 3 sets
Hammer Strength Row
- 70 x 10 x 4
Truck Driver
- bar x 20 x 2
I got another cortisone shot in my elbow last Wednesday when I visited the doc to see where I stood with options and it's still painful from that. The pain has moved around the elbow as the cortisone moves and settles or whatever it does. It hurts enough now that it's become difficult to hold onto things to do back work and I have to resort to straps sometimes just to be able to get some work in. The doc said that things are bad enough to the point where surgery is inevitable and is just up to me when we do it and clean it out.
I'm starting to see a pattern here where all I talk about is what's hurting on any particular day and I'm sure it's boring most people as much as it bores me...my apologies.