I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 APF Equipped Nationals, in Orlando, Florida on May 28th, 2016. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps. The big picture is to prep for this meet, and obtain a top three placing to qualify for WPC Worlds in November.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com

Monday started the part of the summer where my hours get kicked up a notch. With all the student staff basically gone for summer, I get to work some fitness floor hours, which I never mind. It usually means I get to interact with patrons, read, and just be much more engaged. With that said, it was a SUPER long day, but that's alright. All that said, I really wasn't feeling like training, but told myself that the volume is dropping and I've got a 30 min max time to get things done. It was perfect as it kept my rest down, got a good pump, and plenty of blood flow to help recovery from the heavy day prior. Even less next week in terms of work, so while I'm certainly ready to get on the platform, rest is coming oh so soon.

Items Used in this Training Session

A1) Decline Chest Press Machine

B1) Dip Machine

C1) Chest Fly Machine
1x12 + 20 partials out of the bottom
*I used a 1 sec hold in the contracted position, which was killer

D1) Face Pulls
100 total reps