*super series shoulder warm-up
*slather with toast liniment


  • Bar x 20
  • 95 x 10
  • 135 x 10
  • 225 x 5
  • 275 x 3
  • 315 x 1
  • 365 x 8

Cambered Bar Close Grip - 2 Board

  • 205 x 10
  • 295 x 8
  • 295 x 6
  • 295 x 4

Face Pulls

  • 120 x 12 x 3
  • 130 x 15

DB Hammer Curls

  • 55 x 10
  • 65 x 10
  • 70 x 10

Grip Machine

  • 75 x 15 x 4

Today was one of the funnest training days I've had in a long time. Exson was planning on doing 365 for 6-8 reps today and it sounded better than what I'd planned to do so I told him I was going to try and keep up with him; I stole his sunglasses to channel his strength. He hit his 8 reps, but since I went second I knew what I had to do to beat him and it wasn't 9 reps...it was to do 8 reps faster than he did his. haha. I achieved that goal (can't remember ever doing this many reps with this weight), but he got me back later by doing 20 reps on our last set of face pulls to my measly 15.