*super series warm-ups
- Bar x 15
- 95 x 10
- 135 x 5
- 185 x 5
- 225 x 3
- 275 x 1
- 315 x 1
- 375 x 1
- 405 x 1
- 425 x 1 x 2
- 315 x 5 x 3
Lat Saw Row
- 225 x 12 x 3
Rope Pressdown
- 75 x 12 x 3
The plan today was to work up to 405 and see how it felt and then drop back down to do some reps, but that all changed when the shit talking started and I had about 3 devils whispering into my ear..."do 425 and see what happens." "That moved well, try it again for a double. John did it for a double." Especially when these same guys were saying I shouldn't go too heavy today not 10 minutes before I attempted the 425. haha
Regardless, it was fun and I feel much better about things than I did two weeks ago when I had to grind out 405 for a single.
Exson did have a mishap today and lost control of the bar when his shoulder gave out so I wish him well and hope everything is okay.