I wasn't able to train yesterday because of work. Whenever that happens it throws off my whole week and things feel off. I'm a very routine person and I like regularity and planning. I had the thought for a moment of carrying the yoke today before benching but decided against it. Instead, I thought I'd slip lower work altogether and take something heavier this weekend.


Bamboo bar bench press

suspended 1 pood kettlebells from the bar using monster mini bands (1 pood is approximately 36.11 pounds)

8 sets of 5 reps


freak bar bench press

1 plate for 3 sets of 1 rep working the spring in and our 5 times at lockout, midpoint and chest.

1 plate for 10 reps with spring flexed outward as far as possible

1 plate for 3 sets of 10 reps with spring flexed outward as far as possible with a short mini band around wrists

-this really activated my delts, pecs, and forearms


chest supported t-bar rows

2 plates for 3 sets of 20 reps


barbell curls

empty bar for 2 sets of 20 paused reps