Tues, 24 Nov 15
After a 30 min group presentation yesterday and a 15 min one today plus a rough physiology exam, I needed to train to de-stress and relax. This week is unprogrammed so I just did some stuff I am considering adding in to my next block of training and whatever I felt like mostly.
Axle DB C&P
10ea x 20
5ea x 70
3ea x 100
2x5ea x 130
Neutral Grip Pullups
3x8xBW - No left elbow pain or right flexor tendon pain is awesome.
6 Way Shoulder Raises
Band Triceps Pushdowns (one band for each arm)
40ea x mini
25ea x mini
20ea x mini - These were done kneeling to get more tension on the bands, but it still wasn't enough so if I do them again I'll bump up to monster mini or light bands.
DB Curls
10ea x 10
20ea x 10 - Still gotta keep these really light to prevent pain.