Sunday I drove up to Cleveland to train at Old School Iron Gym (awesome place) with my good friends Mario & Renea, and saw my old friend Nikki too. They were squatting, and I was doing some bench pressing and upper body work before heading over to my dad's house to visit for Father's Day. This is my last week of just ramping up sets of 10+, and now I'll be transitioning to rotating lower reps, with some high rep days sprinkled in..

A. Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown - 3x12

B1. Versa-Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x12

B2. Pushups - 3x15

C. Bench Press - 275lbs


3x5 as explosive as possible


D1. Dead Press Pin Lockouts - 3x4 w/ 365lbs

I am pitifully weak at these, and am organizing things moving forward to really hammer my triceps for bench lockout.

D2. Wide Grip Chins - 3x15

E1. Dumbbell Front/Side Shoulder Raises - 3x15

E2. Machine Shrugs - 3x12

F1. Swiss Bar JM Press Variation to Pins - 3x10

Video and description will be posted shortly in a mini-article log on bench lockout exercises.

F2. Machine Curls - 3x15

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