This was week 3 in my Bench Press progression. I'm following the same general structure of my lower body training, slowly increasing weight each week and doing as many reps as possible on the final set. When the reps drop under 10s, then I'll switch back to rotating the lifts and using accommodating resistance. The approach I've been taking with a few of my clients and the one I'm trying this block of training is basically:
Phase 1: High Reps (10+) with Regular Barbell Lifts (Squat/Bench/Dead), increase linearly.
Phase 2: Rotating Lower Reps (5s, 3s, 2s, and a few singles) with Specialty Bars/Accommodating Resistance/Special Exercises (longer period)
Phase 3: Back to Competition Lifts for Lower Reps Before Meet (using full gear more often)
..The above is a general summary of what I'm doing with the main lifts, and then accessory movements are always programmed to focus on a specific need or weakness. I'm always making adjustments as I go, so things may change.
A1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x15
A2. Pushups - 3x25
B. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x12
C. Bench Press - 3x10 w/ 245lbs, 4th set 1x18
I wanted 20 on these for the last set but I got gassed out at rep 19. Next week I'm increasing the main sets but then going to drop the last set back down to 245 and shoot for 20, which I know is doable.
D1. Pin Press (dead stop) - 3x5 w/ 355lbs
D2. Wide Grip Chins - 3x15
E1. Barbell Shrugs - 3x15
E2. Dumbbell Front/Side Shoulder Raises - 3x15
F1. Tricep Pushdowns - 3x25
F2. Dumbbell Curls - 3x10
Last week was my first appointment with the clinical health counselor, and she recommended I make another appointment with the doctor to look at medication options for my sleep/mental issues I've been having. I made an appointment for next week so I'm praying it goes smoothly and I'm happy with the doctor. I definitely need to find some sort of solution to take the edge off with all this stuff. The last few days I slept so little I was getting blurry vision throughout the day. I'm very happy that training has still been going well despite my lack of recovery, I'll be interested to see how much better it will get if I even improve things slightly. I took what Chad Aichs mentioned in his articles about doing more volume with lower % weights to keep from running himself down and am looking at ways I can apply that to my own training moving forward. Overall training is going really well and I'm making some good progress building a base for my next meet cycle.
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