Today was Week 4 for Box Squats, last week was 330x11 w/ the SSB and last time with the straight bar (2 weeks ago) was 365x13 for the last set. I tried to really stay tight and not use any momentum off the box during each rep with 405. The reps felt pretty easy, at least until I started to get gassed at 9 reps. I'll chalk the ensuing dizziness and blood I spit up as me still needing to get in better shape. As my work capacity improves it will help with these reps and working through fatigue. In the next few weeks I'll be switching back to my lower rep rotation and start using some accommodating resistance again.. Good times!

A1. Seated Adductor Machine - 4x15

A2. Lying Hamstring Curl - 4x15

B. Wide Stance Box Squats in Briefs


3x5 w/ 405lbs

1x11 on 4th set.

C. Straight Leg Deadlifts - 3x10 w/ 315lbs

D1. GHR - 3x10

D2. Hanging Leg Raises (straight leg) - 3x12

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