These last couple weeks before the meet I'm doing some lighter upper body volume in place of the heavy floor and pin presses I've been doing for the last 5 weeks.  Today was close grip bench and ultra wide grip (as wide as I could go in the rack) for reps along with a lot of lat work. My latest article, 3 Powerlifting Rules We Keep Forgetting, also came out today. It includes a couple tips/concepts that I know are easy for me to neglect, and I've been really trying to focus on them this training cycle..

A1. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns - 4x10

A2. Cable Tricep Pushdowns - 4x20

B. Close Grip Bench - 4x10 w/ 225lbs


C. Wide Grip Bench (as wide as possible in rack) - 4x10 w/ 185lbs


D. Seated Cable Row (Neutral Grip) - 5x15

E1. Cross Arm Cable Triceps w/ Grenade Attachment - 4x15

E2. Supinated Bicep Curls - 4x12

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