Friday night after checking into the hotel for the Powerlifting Experience 2.0, we went over to the EliteFTS Compound to do some training. This was my first week back doing anything lower-rep, and I went with some cambered bar triples for box squat then some block pulls. Training went pretty well, the biggest thing I'm realizing is that I need to fix my hips so getting to depth doesn't pitch me forward so badly. I believe 500 for a triple is a cambered bar rep PR, so I'm happy about that.

A. Cambered Bar Box Squats - Triples up to 500lbs


C. Block Pulls - Triples up to 515lbs, then double with 565lbs


D. Wide Stance Hip Belt Squats - 3x15

E. Reverse Hypers - 2x20

.....More to come about the Powerlifting Experience Weekend...

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