*6 Days from RPS Lexen Spring Fling*
A week out from competition-time, I went in and just did some light squats and deadlifts with 405lbs to get warmed up and work on my setup a few times. I won't do any other lower body training other than maybe some light bike and foam rolling for the rest of the week till Saturday. I woke up this morning with some issues having blood in my stool and am concerned I might have an ulcer (which I've had before), but I'm gonna see how I feel over the next day or two and hopefully everything is all good and I won't need to go to the doc. At this point now my focus is just to rest for the remainder of the week. Tuesday I'll do some light upper body cable and band stuff just to keep moving, but beyond that there's no more barbell training the rest of the week. Saturday we see how this training cycle comes to an end..
A. Squats up to 405lbs for 2 singles
B. Deadlifts up to 405lbs for 3 singles
My focus on squat was to work on keeping my head driven back and lats evenly tight with elbows even on my setup (I have a tendency to let my right side flare up). On deadlift was to get tight and get a couple sets moving fast, ending barbell training on an aggressive, positive note.
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