After last weeks heavy overhead press followed by incline bench I decided to flip the two movements and do my incline bench first as the primary movement on my secondary upper body day and use overhead press as a lighter accessory movement (to be a little smarter with my shoulder, and use the incline bench to carry over more to my regular bench). 

A. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x12

B. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown  - 3x10

C. Incline Bench Press


3x5 w/ 225lbs

1x10 w/ 225lbs paused.

D1. Standing Overhead Press - 3x8 w/ 135lbs

D2. Wide Grip Chins - 3x15

E1. Front/Side Dumbbell Raises - 3x15

E2. Dumbbell Shrugs - 3x20

F1. Incline Rolling Tricep Extensions (dumbbell) - 3x10

F2. Tricep Pushdowns - 3x15

G1. Hammer Curl - 3x12

G2. Barbell Curl - 3x10

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