This week in my heavy squat rotation was SS Yoke Bar Box Squats. Since I worked up to a max triple on cambered bar last week, I went with 3x3 with a submax weight this week. My issue last week (and in general with squats) was pitching forward. So I tried to find a weight right at the threshold of when I would typically start to round forward and hit several sets at that weight. I did a better job at being patient off the box and keeping my abs/lats tight to stay upright, but still need some more work. 

Warmup: Chris Duffin Squat Warmup

A. SS Yoke Bar Box Squat w/ briefs - 3x3 w/ 450lbs


B. SS Yoke Bar Pin Good Mornings - 3x5 w/ 295lbs (30 more lbs than last week)

C. Machine Leg Press - 3x10 (slow eccentric, explosive concentric)

D. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x12

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