Last week I felt out where I was at with some overhead presses, and this week was the first of doing sets of 5. I'm going to take small jumps the next few weeks and then rotate in some fat gripz OHP as well. In the next month or two I'm going to get a Swiss Bar for our facility, so that will be something I'll be rotating in as well. My OHP is far from where I want it to be, but I'm going to be patient and take small jumps each week. I've been making some good strides with my assistance work, and I'm cranking out my chinups and incline dumbbell presses a lot easier than a few weeks ago.

A1. Wide Grip Chins - 3x15

A2. Pushups - 3x20

B. Neutral Grip Chins

C. Strict Overhead Press - 3x5 w/ 185lbs


D1. Incline Dumbbell Press - 3x15 w/ 100lb dumbbells

D2. Dumbbell Shrugs - 3x15

E1. Dumbbell Front/Side Shoulder Raises - 3x18

E2. Wide Grip Chins - 3x15

F1. Incline Dumbbell Rolling Tricep Extensions - 3x25

F2. Dumbbell Hammer Curls - 3x25

G1. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 3x25

G2. EZ Curl Bar Curls - 3x15

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