As I've been transitioning back into semi-heavy training, I decided to take some time and work on my sumo deadlifts. My sumo has always been dramatically weaker than my conventional pull, partially due to not having worked on technique enough, but also my hip tightness and weakness. When I worked on my sumo deadlift in the past, I went back after a few months and hit a big conventional PR because of the increased hip strength. So I'm going to take a run at that process again, this time taking some ideas from Casey Williams' Make a Wish Program from last year. I worked up to a heavy single to see what a training max would look like, then dropped down for my work sets. My conventional pull is 650, so I should be pulling a lot more than this sumo. I have some positioning changes I'm going to make for next week, and work on my hip flexibility daily so that way I can get my hips closer to the bar at setup.

Warmup: Chris Duffin Lower Body Warmup

A. Sumo Deadlift


Singles up to 555lbs

5x5 w/ 335lbs

B. Straight Leg Deficit Deadlift - 3x10 w/ 225lbs

C1. GHR - 3x10

C2. Heavy Cable Pulldown Abs - 3x10

Clint Darden Motivation

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