This is week 2 of the sumo deadlift program I'm doing and the sumo sets were 4 sets of 4. Since the weight was so light, I did everything beltless, and I'll add in the belt next week or the week after as the weight starts to go up. I brought my stance in a little bit on sumo deadlifts and I think it helped tighten things up and make the pull more efficient. I still need to open my knees more and get my mid-back a little more locked in, but it's getting there. I may also turn my feet out a little more now that I've looked at the video. The thing I'm having the toughest time doing right now is externally rotating my hips ("screwing feet into the floor"), and it's largely due to my f'd up inflexible hips, so I'm trying to work on that.
Warm-up: Chris Duffin Squat Warmup
A. Sumo Deadlifts - 4x4 w/ 365lbs
B. Conventional Block Pulls - 4x5 w/ 405lbs
C. Snatch Grip Block Pulls - 3x10 w/ 225lbs
D1. GHR - 3xAMRAP (typically 10-12 reps)
D2. Heavy Cable Ab Pulldowns - 3x10
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