For my bench right now I'm alternating floor press variations and regular bench against bands or w/ reverse bands, and then using a deload of dumbbell presses every few weeks. My bicep tendon has still been really bothering me, and I've been doing some of the tempering stuff that Casey Williams showed me (I can tell it makes a difference), but I think I need to do it for a little longer before training. I also just need to be smarter about when I push and when I hold back on bench. Every meet prep I've strained my pec or bicep at some point, so my goal with training for October is to basically not hurt myself. I used the new American Press (swiss) Bar today for floor presses, and the middle handle was tougher on these than I expected.
A. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown (alternating grips) - 5x10
B. Swiss Bar Floor Press (middle grips)
Triples up to 295lbs
Single with 315lbs
C. Down Set on Floor Press w/ Close Grip - 4x8 w/ 225lbs
D1. Face Pulls - 4x15
D2. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 4x25
E1. Dumbbell Shoulder Raises (side) - 3x20
E2. Light Supinated Dumbbell Curls - 3x10
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